Taste Gunnels!

canoehead.jpg“Once a mild-mannered insurance salesman, who while portaging his canoe through Algonquin Park, was suddenly hit by a giant bolt of lightning and had the canoe welded to his head. Thus he became Mr. Canoehead, Canada’s greatest aluminum crime fighter. Brother of Ted.”

Canada’s favorite superhero is now undercover in Silicon Valley.

3 thoughts on “Taste Gunnels!”

  1. All hail Mr. Canoehead, the finest fusion superhero in the human history.

    And is it my imagination or is Rancher Tim suffering from acute muscualar loss in his calves?

    Also, is he portaging over a parking lot?

    So many mysteries, born of the voyaguer in the California sun…


  2. All hail Mr. Canoehead, the finest fusion superhero in the human imagination.

    ANd is it my imagination or is Rancher Tim suffer from acute muscualar loss in his calves?

    Also, is he portaging over a parking lot?

    So many mysteries, born of the voyaguer in the California sun…


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